Who do I coach?

Children aged 5 to 16 years

The following topics are covered during the coaching process

    Making sure I don't get bullied anymore Making friends Regulating tantrums Talking well about feelings Enjoying school Feeling confident and safe Sleeping better Increasing self-confidence Daring to sleep over Letting go of fears



I always work in a positive manner. I work solution-oriented and therefore do not look at the problems, but at the child's capabilities and qualities.

What is possible, what are the strengths and what does the child need to grow?

By involving parents in the child's coaching process, there is more knowledge and insight into the child's own responsibility, possibilities and solutions.

During the coaching process, methods and play materials are applied that are appropriate and appropriate to the age and needs of the child.


During our intake interview we discuss where lessons can be learned and what the expectations are of the coaching process.

You can also indicate in this conversation whether you want to use the coaching process or prefer 2 sessions of short and powerful work towards the goal.

Coaching process

1) Recognize and feel your feelings, what behavior comes with that?

2) Rest and relax. How do you do that and when is that good?

3) I can learn to try anyway.

4) We make an action plan so that you can find the solution yourself.

5) Learn to ask for help! Asking for help is not a sign of giving up, it's a sign that you don't give up!

6) We will practice what you have learned and repeat it

7) Keep smiling, stay resilient and celebrate your successes

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